Response to FOI request re. Mooring in London - LA Investigation
Oh, the balanced, rational debate that goes on behind blacked-out names... the --- are not our friends!Mooring Policy BW / CART
View ArticleLondon Assembly CRT Appendix 2
Map of mooring demand on Regent's Canal. Shows boat sightings annually in March from 2010-2013.BW/CART misc
View ArticleLondon Assembly CRT Appendix 3
Map showing mooring supply on Regent's CanalBW/CART misc
View ArticleLondon Assembly CRT response
CRT response to London Assembly Moorings Investigation. July 2013BW/CART misc
View ArticleWhatever Happened to the Cowley and Uxbridge Community Boaters Group?
A document in several parts, including an account of the meeting on 24th April with Sally Ash &co, a 'brief introduction' that explains why CUB buckled under the pressure of enforcement, the...
View ArticleAngel Visitor Moorings Proposals
Some proposals arrived at by CaRT (largely Sorwar) and LB (largely me) in response to the fraught situation with local residents at Angel (largely Noel Road). Most of this has been raised in meetings...
View ArticleProject Kraken
This is the Metropolitan Police’s Marine Unit. They have jurisdiction of the canals and rivers in London.Email: project.kraken@met.police.ukTelephone: 101The police advise that we familiarise ourselves...
View ArticleOperation Whistleblower
Boaters whistles are a community initiative to deter burglers and warn other boaters of an attempted break-in. If you see someone acting suspiciously, for example looking through boat windows, or if...
View ArticleBoaters' Tips - Security
These are tips and ideas from boaters on safety and security on the water:If you do have something stolen, set up Ebay and Gumtree alerts for them. Valuable items like bikes and generators sometimes...
View ArticleRegistering with a GP
Boaters sometimes have difficulty registering with a doctor because we can’t provide a home address in the surgery’s catchment area....
View ArticleCRT "Places" Maps defy Law and Geography
National Bargee Travellers Association statement: Canal & River Trust "Places" Maps Defy Law and Geography.Mooring Policy BW / CART
View ArticleRegister to vote in the 2015 General Election
Have you registered to vote in the General Election on 7 May?If you live on a boat, you must register by 20th April and before every election to be eligible to vote.Live aboard boaters in Hackney can...
View ArticleInteractive map of facilities
Here is a shared map with all water/recycling/pump outs etc and other POIs
View ArticleAbout Renting a boat in London
If you are thinking of hiring or renting a boat privately, offering your boat for hire, or buying a boat to rent-out, The Canal and River Trust has recently published the following statement about...
View ArticleLondon Boaters launches News service
London Boaters is launching a news and information online platform to revive its website and to promote it as a community resource. The news service – called London Boater News – will be publishing...
View ArticleToo much pressure? – River Canal Rescue wade into London boaters
River Canal Rescue, a commercial marine breakdown service, has said the “explosion in live-boards” in London is putting “pressure” on its business. In a press statement released this week, RCR managing...
View ArticleSome hands to the deck at the Pirate Castle for the London mooring consultation
The promised London Mooring Strategy consultation with London boaters and other canal ‘stake-holders’ appears to be spreading its tentacles with a ‘sounding board’ for invited boaters being launched by...
View ArticleTrouble on the cut at Corbridge Crescent
Campaigners vow to block Gaswork moorings amidst ‘gentrification’ claimsBoater campaigners and the National Bargee Traveller Association London Branch have come together to ‘defend community space’ in...
View ArticleAll change - or small change - for London boaters at the CRT strategy meeting?
The Canal and River Trust has revealed its plans for London boating at a meeting with an invited focus group of boaters and other canal ‘stakeholders’ groups at the Pirate Castle in Camden earlier this...
View ArticleRiver Canal Rescue provides support as ‘Idle Women’ tour gets underway
River Canal Rescue will be providing free breakdown and emergency assistance for Kate Saffin’s and Heather Wastier’s ‘The Idle Women’ theatrical tour which retraces the 320 mile route wartime trainees...
View ArticleBargee Travellers march in London
The National Bargee Traveller Association held a rally in London on Saturday to protest against the Canal and River Trust ‘new’ enforcement policy and to hand in a petition to the Prime Minister at...
View ArticleCRT announce ‘improvements’ as investigation REVEALS plans for hundreds of...
The Canal & River Trust has released a statement announcing the current and ongoing and future plans for “improvements” to London’s “bustling canals” following a freedom of information request by...
View ArticleGas safety and Coulrophobia
Gas safety and Coulrophobia* – by Ron GoodingIt seems so simple working with gas. A little bit of pipe, some orange hose with numbers on it and a few clips. Also my mate’s dad is a plumber and said he...
View ArticleRBOA’s call for more movement rules for ‘continuous cruisers’ sails into a storm
The Residential Boat Owners Association has sparked a war of words following its call for the Canal and River Trust to increase the distance that ‘continuous cruisers’ have to travel to “between 200 to...
View ArticleMoo Canoes says splash out with our free floating litterpick
‘Splash out this spring/summer with our free floating litter-pick sessions on the London canals’ says Moo CanoesMoo Canoes are teaming up this spring/summer with Poplar Union, Friends of the Cut and...
View ArticleLondon Boater News launches free news writing workshops for boaters
LB News are offering free one day news writing workshops to London boaters on Sunday the 14th and 28th May at an office venue in Golden Square near Piccadilly Circus tube. There are spaces at each...
View ArticleCRT Licence Review report signals “significant” change for boaters
Findings from the first phase of the consultation for the Canal and River Trust’s 2017 licencing review have been released, in what CRT have called “the most significant review of licensing in a...
View ArticleLondon boaters to ‘reclaim the towpath’ amidst fears for safety
London boaters are set to ‘reclaim the towpath’ on the east London rivers and canals to promote safety and solidarity, as a survey of London towpath users reveals that just over half have often, or...
View ArticleBe Happy Thrive and Stay Alive as a Live Aboard Boater on Britain’s Waterways
Kindle Book For Boaters by Mike Wells.New to boating?
View ArticleSafety and Security
Keeping ourselves safe and our homes secure is an issue for boaters, as for people in all walks of life. However, there are certain things that boaters can do as a community to minimise the risk of...
View ArticleBoaters Pets - If found please return
If you find a PET by the waterway, it may belong on a BOAT close by!Please check here first before ever taking them away!!This is a Boaters Pets Reunited or 'This is my pet' facility, for people to...
View ArticleThings to know when thinking about buying a narrowboat to Continuously Cruise...
Jasmin's excellent "Thinking of Buying A Narrowboat To Continuously Cruise? My HUGE list of PROs And CONS" videoHere are links to videos about each topic, and a play list with all these videos and a...
View ArticleAn Oral History of the Thames Lightermen
"Tales from the Thames" is an oral history project focussing on the Thames Lightermen and Watermen, the people who have operated the boats on the Thames with a history going back hundreds of years.
View ArticleGiant Hogweed identification and dangers
Ever forage for wood or kindling? Common around waterways, beware that the sap from Giant Hogweed seriously burns you via Phytophotodermatitis, even for many years after initial exposure.Yes you cannot...
View ArticleAire and Calder Barges - VIDEO
Support the Yorkshire Ex-Commercial Barge ClubAll the craft are privately owned and on the National Historic Ships Register, saving the past for the future, but not getting any help from C&RT. They...
View Article* The Floater online publication has closed *
Written by boaters for boaters, The Floater has for now closed and the website will vanish in January 2019. To preserve her extremely well researched articles and blog posts for the benefit of the...
View ArticlePlease feed swans - bread is OK!
Now more than ever our swans and other water birds need you. Sadly with many parks instigating a no bread policy, with no...
View ArticleWill you be falling-in this winter?
As always, try to remain calm and think things through in an emergency. 1 - Never leave your boat in gear and step off, even for a second, she's faster than you think and will run away. 2 - Never...
View ArticleA new boat yard at Stonebridge N17
LET US EMPTY YOUR OILY BILGE WATER Just bring your boat to Stonebridge and ask us to empty your bilge. If you do it Wednesday to Sunday you can go to Steve and Christine's cafe while you wait.LET US...
View ArticleAnti-boater fight for land at Hampton Court
A report by BBC London published on 15 Feb 2019, explains how another 'land grab' controversy is taking place, this time on the Thames just outside London. "A battle has broken out on the River Thames...
View ArticleLondon drydocks, slipways, crane-outs
Crane Out/HardstandingKecksy’s Farm – River Lee Andy Kecksy 07707025522
View ArticleBottle gas delivery
For fast bottle gas delivery service call B Ernest gas 07704136871 for quick same day delivery service. We also sell coal, fire lighters, heat log, wood kindling, Firelog, wood logs etc.You can also...
View ArticleLondon Boaters appreciate NBTA London
The NBTA is an open organisation which aims to defend and improve our community’s way of life. "The NBTA London is campaigning for the rights of boat dwellers and are fundraising to cover basic costs...
View ArticleJust a few woodworking tips...
See Jane Drill's Leah Bolden has some handy tips you might not know about...- How to sharpen a carpenter's pencil and why is it that shape and flat? - Making and using a tick stick, and what it is...
View ArticleSolid Fuel Stove Reminder
Do you have a solid fuel stove? When did you last sweep your flue or check your burner? There were two bad fires on boats last winter - both boats completely burned out. The cause has not been...
View ArticleEver wondered how a smoke detector alarm works?
Get free smoke detectors and CO (Carbon Monoxide) alarms !!! The London Fire Brigade are great! Rang them this morning and within an hour they had met us on the towpath with free carbon monoxide and...
View ArticleMaking a 12-volt strip light run on LEDs instead
We adapted our old 12-volt strip light unit to instead use an array of 12-volt LEDs, to benefit from considerably lower power consumption and more importantly never needing to buy or replace a bulb...
View ArticleEnclosure of the commons in the lower Lea valley - Some history and a new...
The following link leads to a recent article; Resisting enclosure past & present: East London Waterworks, Leyton Marsh, and the Leyton Lammas lands, by mudlark121 - Resisting enclosure past &...
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